Sunday, 17 March 2013

Graduation Day

Firstly I would like to thank the Almighty Lord for guiding me and giving me strength to make this possible,Then my parents the extra money you had to pay the unnesscary trips to observatory to pick me up the mood swings the tears of confusion the rest of my siblings for understanding my special needs . My boyfriend who also drove me around encouraged me to continue motivational texts my friends (REAL Friends ) for all your support. My fellow Pixie Shirna for her unconditional love and support.To everyone else who ever did something for n film for me borrowed wardrobe from its much appreciated .To my lecturer MR IVY myy heart goes out to you for inspiring me and teaching me all this wisdom and encouraging me to be the best i am .nothing would be possible if i also didnt scarifice and believe in myself .Thanks to everyone who played a role you all are in my credits of my BA Degree in Motion Picture .

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Got Jesus on my earlobes

Graduation Tommorow and I have and to wear it clearly feels like I'm the girl at prom who didn't get asked to dance. NO dress , NO shoes all i have is dainty cross earrings at least Jesus will come through for me .AMEN

Oversize Sweaters

I swear there is nothing more comfortable than a oversized jersey covering my fingertips and and my butt YEP thats the correct length . wish winter could hurry up so it could be me and nothing but n jersey YUM

Mustache Rides Heheh(* * ,)

So my latest craze is MUSTACHES .Absolutely adore them would grow one if i wasn't n female hehehe, so i have to settle with rings ,necklaces and tshirts instead.